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Wednesday, June 27, 2012
today was among the better days i have felt in 2 weeks. It could be due to the 14hr sleep i had last night. it could also be,which i hope,could mean that the worst phase is wearing off. I can get by a few hours without anything chewing in my mouth & the aftertaste is slowly going away. found out over weekend that zimah is expecting too! she's 5 weeks on, barely 2 weeks after mine, which makes our EDD really close. Amir said now he'll have his 2 fav girls battling the same thing :) I hope this newly-felt upbeat feeling will hindsight, it could also be the half cup of diluted coffee that i had after 5 weeks. whatever it is, im glad i am feeling better now...

Friday, June 22, 2012
Today marks the 7th week of my 3rd pregnancy, yes after 8 years hiatus, this tummy of mine will filled again :) the initial reaction & breaking news to my husband was blogged by my husband here Over the weekend we had a family getaway at Sekeping Serendah in a jungle in Rawang. Of course the news was not out yet.although my husband was a tad worried about my condition (in a jungle with no walls mind you) i was not so worried - mainly because my parents & siblings were there. We broke the news the 2nd night after the BBQ. Everyone was excited & happy for us. right after I came back to work I broke the news to my colleagues & bosses. I didnt know what to expect though.Part of me was worried of what the future might hold but part of me knows that I am valued here more than I know. so there's no worry about no work to return to after my maternity. But we are staying positive of everything, I believe HE always knows best & plans best for us. the tastebud shifts have started again. The aftertaste was as awful as i remembered. I cant bring myself to swallow plain water nowadays. Work helps with thh distraction a lot. And the contant reprieve is always the teh ais limau which i first tasted in Rawang's Ali Maju's Restaurant.

Im keeping my fingers crossed that this will soon fade away after the 3rd mth - which marks the end of my 1st trimester. my tummy is showing slowly but surely,this being my third pregnany. i have to start thinking of what to wear for the next 7 mths. my box of maternity clothes is in some box in our Bt Panjang house which is now rented out - i guess getting that back is out of the question. So for now, im happy investing in 3 basic pants to make it through the few months ahead. For now I'm glad to just get through one day at a time with my moody throat & tastebuds...

Friday, June 15, 2012
a new chapter will begin soon...i'll update soon :)

parole vous me dites

