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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
so here we are barely 2 weeks before we officially welcome you. while the pregnancy have been smooth thus far, it is not so on the work-front. I surely hope the financial hurdle we are facing with the company will be resolved soon - before i go on my maternity that is.

last few weeks have been a non-stop wedding weekend. some more busier than others. we attended & helped out in Sarah's wedding at Gurame changi. a very beautiful site for a wedding. I was surprised i survived without major hitch but my back was yearning for a good mustajab rub by the end of the day.

the following day, we saw your Abg Yan Kadok getting hitched followed by the sister of your Mamu Hary at The pines. I do hope that is the last of weddings to attend as I am really running out of formal wear to fit me now :p

your 36 weeks check up was smooth. I went alone as your abah had to be with his Kranji boys for their soccer tournament. You are growing steadily. as of last week you already ard 2.7kg. another kg & you will be the same wt as your Bubu-jan at birth. Dr Goh easily predicted that you will be more than 3kg at birth. I gained another 1 kg last mth. & am proud too say even with all the not-so-healthy food i have been stuffing myself, many still said that i look slim & yet to gain massive weight gain - which make me very happy as losing it will not be a tedious uphill process :)

We booked your delivery to coincide with the birthday of your Abah & Noyang - even though it will cost more that the normal weekday charges. I have signed a load of forms for the delivery & will have 1 more check up to go before your final delivery - so baby, here's to a smooth welcome for you...:)

on other good note, your Bubu-jan is selected as a prefect & your Baijan got his appealed school choice, Clementi Town Sec, back together again with is bestie Said :)

parole vous me dites

